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SPECIAL (Updated) BULLETIN : IATSE and AMPTP Reach Tentative Deals on Basic & ASA

Finally, some good news on the labor negotiations.

Photo by Chris Liverani / Unsplash

UPDATE: As of June 27, 2024, AMPTP and IATSE have jointly announced that they have also reached a deal on the Area Standards Agreement which covers IATSE’s 23 Locals (non-NY or LA) with 20,000 members.

Hot Labor Summer has finally cooled off a little, and production professionals can breathe a little easier. 

With just over a month to go until their deal expires, IATSE and the AMPTP have a tentative deal on the Basic Agreement. Details are forthcoming, but here are the key terms from IATSE’s missive to members:

  • Better pay: wage increases of 7%, 4%, and 3.5% over three years
    • Hourly workers get 3x when a workday exceeds 15 hours
    • On Call workers get double time on every 7th day of the workweek
  • AI protections: No employee is required to provide AI with prompts that might lead to employee displacement
  • Pension and Health Plans: Additional payments, including streaming residuals, that would address the $670 million funding shortfall

They say they’ll release more details when the Teamsters negotiations—which are ongoing—wrap. It's also pending member ratification.

Production.Ink had predicted a short strike. Consider us pleasantly surprised. We were pretty close on the deal terms

UPDATE: As of June 27, 2024, AMPTP and IATSE have jointly announced that they have also reached a deal on the Area Standards Agreement which covers IATSE’s 23 Locals (non-NY or LA) with 20,000 members.


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